Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I'm not sure what I think about charging people for knowledge, as a future educator, I believe that knowledge is something that is to be shared. The person who passes on their knowledge doesn't lose anything by doing so, so why not share it? I understand the capitalistic approach of the website creators/contributors, they have the information and in return want to be compensated for it, but what about a human approach? Could the advancement of society be worth more?

I have recently gotten into watching the History Channel's Ancient Aliens on youtube and I just keep thinking what if this information was withheld from me? How long would I go on not knowing the possibilities the show presents? I know that I probably wouldn't have paid to watch these videos...well maybe now I would since I've become enthralled in the idea. Maybe if they let you watch a little bit and then hit you with one of those “teasers” I would fork over the money to see the ending, but if the information is truly anything worth charging for wouldn't the holder want everyone to know? I think I would.

I understand that the designers and also the people obtaining the knowledge cannot work for free. Perhaps the privilege to contribute information via discussion posts from users who pay a fee could be enough? Otherwise the idea about bundling certain websites could also be more appealing to an internet consumer if there a “deal” is offered like there is for the museum passes. I'm still not sure were I stand on this..the artist in me feels for the designers but the teacher in me feels for the students (web users) who are eager to learn.

Also another question. How would you keep people from duplicating or spreading the website information to others on the web? Copyright laws?

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