The essay starts with scandal in Catholic Church, failure to uncover weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and disappointment & stresses out about the public institution giving false information on push buttons at the traffic corners of New York City. The data presented about the buttons on the pole of corner streets of New York is very interesting, which claims at least 2500 of 3000 have not been working for fifteen years. Today’s my experience of crossing Capital Drive at Oakland ave. was same as the above push buttons which Michael Luo claims as Mechanical Placebos. One person was ahead of me, he had pushed button, we were waiting anxiously to change the lights, and it was taking time. On the other end too, there were many people gathered. Once again I pushed 2-3 time on the buttons and waited. It was frustrating experience. But the crossings, which do not have the push button’s like Edgewood & Oakland seems fine, it is more comfortable to adjust according to the time interval of light changing. There is less hurry than the crossing which has the push buttons.
And I agree with the ‘Door Close’ sign button on elevator too. In my opinion, these all are the psychological treatments which help people mind to comfort at certain level. Here I assume, the Psychological theory (Distraction) would fit for above cases.
Distraction: mental distress (Gaudreau and Blondin 2004) or derangement distraction with task-oriented (problem-focused) leads to more positive outcomes. When pushing buttons, it informs mind that it is going to take action as soon as possible (like light switch on/ off function), this activity distract for waiting longer period of time. Hence, intentionally these buttons are placed at those specific location, where there need to wait longer period of time.
The idea of intermittent reward in Casino is the key mantra to inform customer’s mind that the chance of winning is also possible, so that the customer keeps playing. The writer’s intention of using sign post as ‘This house is protected by XYZ security system’ reminds me of people using sign posts as ‘Beware of Dogs’ even though they don’t have dogs.
Conclusion of essay, questions of possibility usage of information satirically comparing with Department of Homeland security’s terrorism treat level.