Sunday, June 19, 2011

Heidi + R + 10

This article I found interesting to read, but learned little from. These observations can be made from anyone going to a museum and are observations I agree with. For example if there is information that I am not interested in I pass through it quickly. If there is information that others who are at the museum with me are interested in I will take the time to indulge them and look at this information. Often times there is something one sees that the other does not, thus why going to the museum with others is very beneficial. It gives you another perspective to see things from. Yet I found a majority of the article to be one persons perspective of their travels and their experiences. This author obviously is well traveled and has been lucky enough to see many museums. But his experience is one I may not agree with or ever experience myself, and I found that the "theme" or message in the article is that everyone has a different preference of learning at a museum. To me that's a no brainier, there are audio, tours, and signs for that reason. So in the end this article was like a "cool story" rather then something informational or eye opening.

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